Saturday, May 28, 2011



I got a dream, standing on the edge
I stopped a scream escaping the ledge
I jumped and tried to reach the sky
I fell on my face, learning to fly
For I sure have wings, only don’t know how to employ
I sure have a heart to dare life’s ploy
For I am a fish with flying dreams
I am the water capturing sunbeam
In my thoughts and In my desire
I am the one who’ll catch the fire!


My Thoughts


I HAD a dream, I stood on the edge

Whooped in joy as I left the ledge

Touched the stars as I reached for the sky

the wind I am, with the birds I fly

With wings in my ‘chute and joy in my heart

Victory my soul, my life’s part

Failures my ‘board, to spring me ever higher

a soldier I am, all thee know we ne’er tire

Fire is my energy

Efforts it imparts synergy

Resides in my belly, and not some dark alley

the survivor I am, storms I ride in galley

In my thoughts and actions, I know I will win

God’s hand, rudders my fin

Life my book, as I labour with my pen

a humble soul I am, striving to be a gem

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